CRI Letters and Briefings


  •    CRI Opposes CA SB 551 - July 2, 2024

    CRI opposes CA SB 551, which allows certain beverage manufacturers to submit consolidated recycled content reports with other beverage manufacturers, rather than individually.

    Download PDF

  •    CRI provides comment on Beverage Container Quality Infrastructure Grant (QIG) Program - June 21, 2024

    CRI appreciates the opportunity to provide comments on CalRecycle’s $50 million Beverage Container QIG Program.

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  •    CRI Supports CA AB 457 - May 29, 2024

    CRI supports CA AB 457, which would change the California refund value for boxes, bladders, pouches, and other similar containers containing wine or spirits from $0.25 to $0.10 (for < 24 fluid ounces) and $0.20 (for ≥ 24 fluid ounces).

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  •   CRI Supports CA AB 2511 - May 14, 2024

    CRI supports CA AB 2511, which extends the inoperative date of the market development payment program to January 1, 2026. We also attached an addendum letter from 2023 outlining budget concerns for the BCRF.
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  •   CRI provides comment on CalRecycle SB1013 Dealer Cooperative Draft -- April 30, 2024

    CRI appreciates the opportunity to provide comments on CalRecycle’s recent Draft Proposed Regulation Text regarding Dealer Cooperatives, as established by SB 1013. CRI also attended the April 30th public hearing on the draft regulatory text.
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  •    CRI Supports MN SF 3887, Article 5, with Amendments - April 25, 2024

    CRI supports, with amendments, MN SF 3887 Article 5, "Packaging Waste and Cost Reduction Act," to establish an EPR for Packaging Program in Minnesota.
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  •    CRI Supports IL SB 85 - April 15, 2024

    CRI supports IL SB 85 to establish Illinois' beverage container recycling program
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  •    CRI Opposes CA SB 1113, Unless Amended - March 13, 2024

    CRI opposes CA SB 1113 (unless amended), which extends the California Beverage Container Recycling and Litter Reduction Act’s pilot project programs to operate until January 1, 2034. Download PDF

  • CRI Supports MI HB 5421 - March 11, 2024

    CRI supports HB 5421, which would require dealers to have mandated hours of operation to provide convenient means of beverage container returns by consumers. Download PDF

  • CRI Supports MD HB735 - February 26, 2024

    CRI supports HB 735 to establish Maryland's beverage container recycling program, with some recommendations. Download PDF

  • CRI Supports MN HF3200 - February 20, 2024

    CRI supports HF 3200 to establish Minnesota's beverage container recycling program, with some recommendations. Download PDF

  • CRI Testimony to Oregon House Committee on HB.4013 - February 14, 2024

    This letter is a written response following CRI President Susan Collins' testimony in Oregon's House Committee on Climate, Energy, and Environment. Our position on this bill is neutral, but this testimony highlights the importance of including glass wine bottles in a deposit return system. Download PDF


  •    CRI Written Responses to U.S. Senate Subcommittee Questions on Solutions to Address Beverage Container Waste – October 26th, 2023

    These responses are to questions asked by committee members, serving to better the understanding of deposit return systems in the United States.
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  •  CRI Testimony to U.S. Senate Subcommittee: "Examining Solutions to Address Beverage Container Waste" - September 28th, 2023

    CRI President Susan Collins testifies to a subcommittee of the U.S. Senate Committee on Environment & Public Works on policies to improve the domestic collection of single-use beverage containers.
    See Testimony
    (starting at 21:30)
    Download Testimony Letter

  •   CRI provides comment on CalRecycle SB1013 Dealer Cooperative Draft - September 14th, 2023

    The Container Recycling Institute (CRI) appreciates the opportunity to provide comments on CalRecycle’s recent Draft Proposed Regulation Text regarding Dealer Cooperatives, as established by SB 1013. CRI also attended the August 31st informal public workshop on the draft regulatory text.
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  •   CRI strongly recommends the EPA adopt the implementation of a DRS for Draft Strategy to Prevent Plastic Pollution. - July 31st, 2023

    As part of the EPA’s commitments prescribed by the Save the Seas 2.0 Act, the Draft National Strategy to Prevent Plastic Pollution is a valuable opportunity for the government and various stakeholders to work together to address the growing plastic pollution problem.
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  •  CRI supports H.3690 &  S.2104 (House Edition) - June 28th, 2023

    We are writing to state our support of H.3690, “An Act to Expand the Bottle Bill” (Decker), and its companion bill S.2104 (Creem).
    Download PDF  Hear CRI President Susan Collins' testimony (starts at 1:23:50) on this bill to the Massachusetts (House Edition) Joint Committee on Telecommunications, Utilities and Energy - June 28th, 2023

  •  CRI supports H.3690 &  S.2104 (Senate Edition) - June 28th, 2023

    We are writing to state our support of H.3690, “An Act to Expand the Bottle Bill” (Decker), and its companion bill S.2104 (Creem).
    Download PDF Hear CRI President Susan Collins' testimony (starts at 0:36:05) on this bill to the Massachusetts (Senate Edition) Joint Committee on Telecommunications, Utilities and Energy - June 28th, 2023

  •  CRI has serious concerns about the Governor’s 2023-2024 budget for the Beverage Container Recycling Fund - June 13th, 2023

    CRI has serious concerns about the Governor’s 2023-2024 budget for the Beverage Container Recycling Fund (BCRF, 0133), including inaccuracies and the threat to the program from overspending and the proposal to loan out $140 million this year.
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  •  CRI supports SB 353 - California - June 5th, 2023

    CRI strongly support SB 353 to amend The California Beverage Container Recycling and Litter Reduction Act, with some  recommendations.
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  •    CRI Testimony In Opposition to LD 1910 “An Act to Amend the Returnable Beverage Container Program” - May 18, 2023

    For more than 10 years, we have testified in support of modernization of Maine’s bottle bill. We have several concerns about LD 1910.
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  •    CRI Testimony to Vermont Senate Committee on H.158: An Act Relating to the Beverage Container Redemption System - May 4th, 2023

    CRI President Susan Collins testifies at a hearing of the Vermont Senate Committee on Finance in support of proposed legislation to expand the state's bottle bill to cover more types of beverages. Susan previously testified to another State Senate Committee and a State House of Representatives committee on the legislation, which the House passed on March 29.
    See Testimony (starting at 1:52:00)  Download PDF presentation

  •   CRI supports S237 - New York - May 1st, 2023

    We strongly support S237 “An Act to amend the environmental conservation law, in relation to returnable bottles,” with some recommendations.
    Download PDF

  •   CRI supports SB 85 - Illinois - April 25th, 2023

    We are writing today in opposition to raised bill 1236, “An Act Concerning the Amounts of Unclaimed Beverage Container Deposits to be Paid for Deposit in the General Fund.”
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  •   CRI opposes SB1236 - Connecticut - April 19th, 2023

    We are writing today in opposition to raised bill 1236, “An Act Concerning the Amounts of Unclaimed Beverage Container Deposits to be Paid for Deposit in the General Fund.”
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  •   Additional CRI Testimony on Vermont's H.158: An Act Relating to the Beverage Container Redemption System - April 12th, 2023

    Following her testimony earlier this year at Vermont House of Representatives committee hearings in support of proposed legislation to expand the state's bottle bill to cover more types of beverages, CRI President Susan Collins testifies in support of the bill at a hearing held by the Vermont Senate Committee on Natural Resources and Energy.
    See Testimony (starting at 24:00)  Download Presentation PDF

  •   CRI Testimony on Vermont’s H.158: An Act Relating to the Beverage Container Redemption System – February 8th, 2023

    CRI President Susan Collins testifies at a hearing of the Vermont House Committee on Environment and Energy in support of proposed legislation to expand the state’s bottle bill to cover more types of beverages.
    See Testimony (starting at 1:38:40)   Download Presentation PDF

  •  CRI Testimony on Vermont’s H.158: An Act Relating to the Beverage Container Redemption System – January 19th, 2023

    CRI President Susan Collins testifies at a hearing of the Vermont House Committee on Environment and Energy in support of proposed legislation to expand the state’s bottle bill to cover more types of beverages.
    See Testimony (at start of video)   Download Presentation PDF


      •  CRI Letter to California Office of Administrative Law on CalRecycle Processing Payment Emergency Regulations - October 26th, 2022

        The Container Recycling Institute supports CalRecycle’s proposal to extend the Processing Payment Emergency Regulations for another year.
        Download PDF [323KB]

      •  CRI supports SB 38 - California - September 8th, 2022

        We write in support of your signature on SB 38 (Bob Wieckowski), which would require CalRecycle to study and develop a system or process to address the issue of glass contamination.
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      •  CRI neither opposes or supports SB 1013 - August 26th, 2022

        The Container Recycling Institute is withdrawing our support for SB 1013, the bottle bill expansion to include wine and spirits containers. Our position is now neither support nor opposition.”
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      •  Letter from CRI to Assembly Committee on Appropriations Support for SB 1013 - July 25, 2022 (Updated)

        We are writing in support of SB1013, “An act to amend Sections 14504 and 14550 of the Public Resources Code, relating to recycling, and making an appropriation therefor.”
        Download PDF [438KB]

      •  Letter from CRI to California Assembly Committee on Natural Resources: Support for SB 38 - June 21, 2022

        We write in support of SB 38, as amended June 20, 2022, which would correct an unintended wholesale exemption in California’s landmark postconsumer recycled plastic content law and make targeted improvements to the California Beverage Container Recycling and Litter Reduction Act of 1987 to address contamination and fraud
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      • Flaw in California’s AB 793’s De Minimis Provision Threatens Operability of Entire Recycled Content Law - March 31st, 2022

        Summary: There is a “de minimis” provision in California’s recycled content law that, combined with other provisions of the California’s beverage container deposit law (“bottle bill”) and recent scrap prices, could unintentionally exempt most beverage manufacturers from having to comply with the recycled content law; thus nearly negating the entire intent of the law.
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      • CRI supports AB 2779 - California - March 31st, 2022

        We are writing in support of AB 2779, “An act to amend Sections 14504 and 14560.5 of the Public Resources Code, relating to recycling, and making an appropriation...
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      •  CRI opposes SF2378, “An Act relating to the redemption of and payment of refund value on beverage containers, making appropriations, providing penalties, and including effective date provisions.” - March 24, 2022

        This bill would remove retail stores’ (“dealers’”) obligations to refund consumers’ 5¢ beverage container deposits after July 1, 2023. In other words, consumers would no longer be able to conveniently turn in their beverage containers at one of the 2,000 retailers where they are sold.
        Download PDF [301KB]

      •  Vermont Waste Disposal Increased from 2012 to 2017; Bottle Bill Materials Recycled at 87% Rate, Compared to 28% Rate for Other “Container” Materials - March 21, 2022

        Review of Reported Recycling Rates Published in 2018 Vermont Waste Characterization Study
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      •  CRI supports HB 307 - “An act concerning Environment – Packaging Materials – Producer Responsibility" - Maryland - February 1st, 2022

        We are writing in support of House Bill 307, “An act concerning Environment – Packaging Materials – Producer Responsibility,” on the condition that certain amendments are made, as outlined here.
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      • CRI Supports HB 1652 - New Hampshire January 17th, 2022

        We are writing in support of House Bill 1652, “An Act Relative to the Recycling of Beverage Containers.” This bill would establish a beverage container deposit law in New Hampshire, effective 1/1/23. 
        Download PDF [498KB]


      • CRI supports CalRecycle’s proposal to extend the Processing Payment Emergency Regulations - December 16th, 2021

        The Container Recycling Institute supports CalRecycle’s proposal to extend the Processing Payment Emergency Regulations for one year. The Emergency Regulations employ a 10% RFR (reasonable financial return) to calculate the processing payments that will be made to certified recyclers for 2021, in order to offset the difference between their operating costs and the revenues they take in from scrap sales and handling fees.
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      •  CRI supports H.3284 “An Act relative to containers, litter, ecology and nips (CLEAN Act)” (Massachussets) - September 14th, 2021

        This bill would add alcoholic beverages of up to 100ml to the MA beverage container deposit law. Effectively, this means spirits sold in miniatures, or nips: the tiny bottles that are ubiquitous as litter strewn across the Commonwealth’s roads and streets, beaches, parks, fields, and other places.
        Download PDF [226KB]

      • CRI supports H.3289 - Massachusetts - September 13th, 2021

        As you may know, the Container Recycling Institute (CRI) is a national nonprofit organization and an authority on the economic and environmental impacts of container recycling. We are writing to state our support of H.3289, “An Act to Expand the Bottle Bill” (Decker), and its companion bill S.2149 (Creem).
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      • CRI supports H.3277 and respectfully suggests a few amendments. - Massachusetts - September 13th, 2021

        We are writing to state that we support H.3277 and respectfully suggest a few amendments. This bill will set the following postconsumer recycled content (PCR) goals for plastic beverage bottles covered under the container deposit law...
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      • CRI supports S.2215, “An Act to Create a Deposit for Glass Wine and Liquor Bottles (Massachusetts) - September 13th, 2021

        We are writing to state our support of S.2215, “An Act to Create a Deposit for Glass Wine and Liquor Bottles (O’Connor). This short bill packs a big punch in addressing a serious problem in Massachusetts: finding a home for hundreds of thousands of tons of discarded glass bottles.
        Download PDF [208KB]

      •  CRI supports H3332 (Massachussets) - September 13th, 2021

        As you may know, the Container Recycling Institute (CRI) is a national nonprofit organization and an authority on the economic and environmental impacts of container recycling. We are writing in support of H.3332 “An Act promoting the proper disposal of miniatures (Lewis/Hawkins).
        Download PDF [215KB]

      •  CRI opposes AB 1454, changes to The California Beverage Container Recycling and Litter Reduction Act - June 25th, 2021

        We are writing to state that our position on AB 1454, which makes changes to “The California Beverage Container Recycling and Litter Reduction Act,” is opposed unless amended
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      •  CRI opposes S.568 (Massachussets) – Resolve providing for an investigation and study of enhancing statewide recycling programs -  June 22nd, 2021

        We are writing in opposition to the part of the resolve that suggests studying repeal of the container deposit law. The effectiveness of container deposit laws has been studied many times, both within and outside of the United States.
        Download PDF [496KB]

      •  CRI supports California's AB 962 - June 21st, 2021

        We are writing to state our wholehearted support for the reusable beverage container bill AB 962: “An act to amend Section 14539 of, and to add Sections 14525.1 and 14576 to, the Public Resources Code, relating to solid waste.”
        Download PDF [1.2MB]

      •  CRI Supports H 996 An Act to improve plastic bottles and their recycling - Massachussets - June 21st 2021

        We are writing in support of H 996, which would require plastic beverage manufacturers to make their bottles out of 25% recycled content by 2024, with intermediate goals to be reached incrementally. 
        Download PDF [254KB]

      •  CRI Supports California AB 962 Reusable Beverage Containers - April 12th, 2021

        We are writing to state our wholehearted support for the reusable beverage container bill AB 962: “An act to amend Section 14539 of, and to add Sections 14525.1 and 14576 to, the Public Resources Code, relating to solid waste.”
        Download PDF [175KB]

      •  CRI opposes Iowa HF 814 -  April 20th, 2021

        We are writing to state our opposition to HF 814 because it would diminish consumers’ access to redemption opportunities.
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      • CRI Supports Connecticut Senate Bill 1037 - March 18th, 2021

        We strongly support Senate Bill 1037, “An Act Concerning Solid Waste Management.”  This bill modifies Connecticut’s beverage container deposit law (or “bottle bill’) in four stages.
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      •  Anticipated Revenue from Unclaimed Deposits Under a Modernized Bottle Bill (Vermont H.175) - March 11th, 2021

        We are writing to shed further light on anticipated revenues from unclaimed deposits that would accrue to the State of Vermont upon passage of H.175: “An act relating to the beverage container redemption system.”
        Download PDF [218 KB]

      •  CRI supports Vermont H.175 - February 25th,  2021

        We are writing in support of H.175, “An act relating to the beverage container redemption system,” which would update Vermont’s deposit law to include most non-carbonated beverage containers, and would raise the deposit to a dime.
        Download PDF [321KB]

      • CRI Comments on Methodology of the U.S. EPA in Calculating National Recycling Rates - March 8th, 2021

        We are writing in regard to Docket ID No. EPA-HQ-OLEM-2020-0443 with comments about the methodology the U.S. EPA uses in calculating national recycling rates, and how this methodology might be improved. Among other things, we will discuss how a combination of overcounting recycling and undercounting generation artificially inflates the recycling rate.
        Download PDF [813 KB]

      •  CRI supports Maryland HB99 - February 5th, 2021

        The bill would create a multi-stakeholder advisory commission charged with designing a framework for a beverage container deposit law in Maryland.
        Download PDF [261KB]


      •   CRI supports AB793 July 3rd, 2020

        We are writing in support of AB 793, which would require plastic beverage bottle manufacturers to make their bottles out of 50% recycled content by 2030, with intermediate goals to be reached incrementally.
        Download PDF [247KB]

      •   CRI supports Maryland House Bill 824 - February 25th, 2020

        We are writing in support of House Bill 824, “An Act Concerning Beverage Container Deposit Program – Establishment and Advisory Commission.”
        Download PDF [456KB]

      •  Coalition Sign-On Statement in Support of Modernizing Connecticut’s Bottle Bill - February 1st, 2020

        We, the undersigned, are united in our strong support for expanding and modernizing Connecticut’s Container Deposit Law (AKA the Bottle Bill) as a means of increasing recycling in Connecticut, saving municipalities money, addressing the solid waste & recycling crisis, the climate emergency and protecting our environment. Important steps Connecticut can take to create a working, modern deposit program include...
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      •  CRI Testimony on MA H2837: “An Act to increase recycling in the Commonwealth:” Support if Amended & S1939: “An Act to increase container recycling in the Commonwealth:” Support if Amended - January 21st, 2020

        The Container Recycling Institute (CRI) would like to register its support—if amended—
        of H2837 and S1939, similar bills that would conditionally expand, or update, the beverage container deposit law (or “bottle bill”) to include many non-carbonated beverages.
        Download PDF [238KB]

      •  CRI Letter on California SB372 - January 14th, 2020

        We are writing in with neither support nor opposition of SB 372, which would transition the State’s existing Beverage Container Recycling and Litter Reduction Act from a state government-run program (managed by CalRecycle) to an Extended Producer Responsibility program, managed by the beverage distributors through a Beverage Container Stewardship Organization (BCSO).
        Download PDF [367KB]



      •  CRI supports RFR - Processing Payment Emergency Regulations - December 10th, 2019

        The Container Recycling Institute (CRI) supports the 10% reasonable financial return (RFR) as proposed in the Processing Payment Emergency Regulations (CCR Section 2975, Subchap. 12, Chapter 5, Division 2 of Title 14).
        Download PDF [420KB]

      • CRI Support Letter for Colorado Beverage Redemption Program - October 21st, 2019

        We are writing in support of the proposed beverage container deposit law now before the Zero Waste and Recycling Interim Study Committee.
        Download PDF [420KB]

      •   CRI Supports Modifying CCR §2200(b) - October 18th, 2019

        We are writing to state our support for modifying CCR §2200(b) to allow aluminum beverage can manufacturers to mark cans on either the top or the side of aluminum cans with CRV redemption information.
        Download PDF [140KB]

      •   Reasonable Financial Return for recycling centers - August 23, 2019

        In December 2018, CRI submitted a letter to CalRecycle in favor of emergency regulations changing the RFR used to calculate 2019 processing payments (attached). We wrote that the proposed RFRs of 11% and 16% for rural sites were “nowhere near enough to avert the impending financial crisis for redemption centers.”
        Download PDF [485KB]

      •   CRI supports AB 792 - April 23rd, 2019

        We are writing in support of AB 792, which would require plastic beverage bottle manufacturers to make their bottles out of 100% recycled content by 2035, with intermediate goals to be reached incrementally.
        Download PDF [485KB]

      •   CRI Supports AB 815 - March 28th, 2019

        We are writing in support of dual-stream recycling, in relation to AB 815, “Integrated waste management plans: source reduction and recycling element: dual stream recycling programs.”
        Download PDF [705KB]

      •   CRI Supports CT HB7294 - March 11th, 2019

        The Container Recycling Institute (CRI) conceptually supports Bill HB 7294, with suggestions for amendments. HB 7294 would update Connecticut’s beverage container deposit law, or “bottle bill,” in several ways.
        Download PDF [232KB]

      •   CRI supports NYS2828 - February 11th, 2019

        We are writing in support of S2828 “An Act to amend the environmental conservation law, in relation to the requirements for lead agency.” This bill would place a deposit on hard cider.
        Download PDF [232KB]

      •   CRI's Opposition to House Bill 1795 - February 6, 2019

        We write to offer our opposition to HB 1795, “Ensuring the long-term economic and environmental sustainability of the state's recycling system within the existing regulatory structure.”
        Download PDF [328KB]



      •   CRI opposes repeal of the Michigan's Beverage Container Deposit Law - December 4th, 2018

        The Container Recycling Institute opposes the following bills before the Michigan House of Representatives:  HB 6532, 6533, 6534, 6535, and 6536. Together, these bills would collectively repeal the state’s beverage container deposit law, or bottle bill.
        Download PDF [269KB]

      •   CRI letter to CalRecycle in support of extending emergency regulations to boost payments to redemption centers, 12-10-18

        The Container Recycling Institute supports the adoption of emergency regulations changing the reasonable financial return (RFR) applied to the calculation of processing payments for the period of January 1, 2019 to December 31, 2019.
        Download PDF [PDF, 1MB]

      •  Guidance on Eligibility to Qualify for the Retailer Exemption from Beverage Container Redemption under 10 V.S.A. § 1523b. October 12th, 2018

        The retailer exemption requirements are changing because, in 2018, the Vermont Legislature passed a bill repealing Agency of Natural Resource’s Environmental Regulation § 10-105(d) which specified that “A retailer, with the prior approval of the Secretary, may refuse to redeem beverage containers if a certified redemption center operates within a five mile radius of the retailer.” 
        Download PDF [PDF, 360KB]

      • CRI supports IA HF2155

        “An Act relating to the applicability of beverage containers control provisions and the handling fees pursuant to those provisions.” This bill seeks to update the Iowa deposit law to include almost all non-carbonated beverage containers, and to raise the handling fee from the current one cent to two cents per redeemed container.
        Download PDF [PDF, 223KB]

      • CRI supports CT SB10

        The Container Recycling Institute (CRI) supports Sections 27 and 28 of Governor’s Bill SB 10. Section 27 would update Connecticut’s beverage container deposit law, or “bottle bill,” by placing a 5-cent deposit on most non-carbonated beverages, and on wine and liquor; Section 28 would set the deposit on wine and liquor at 25¢.
        Download PDF [PDF, 205KB]

      •  CRI Supports CT Handling Fee HB 5457

        The Container Recycling Institute supports Raised Bill No. 5457, “An Act Concerning Bottle Redemption Centers.” This bill seeks to update the Connecticut deposit system by raising the handling fee from the current 1.5¢ on beer and 2¢ on carbonated soft drinks and water to 3.5¢ on all deposit beverages.
        Download PDF [PDF, 228KB]

      • The Container Recycling Institute supports House Bill 5486 - February 16th, 2018 (Michigan)

        The Container Recycling Institute supports House Bill 5486, which would update the Michigan deposit law to include almost all non-carbonated beverage containers.
        Download PDF [PDF, 220KB]

      • Task Force recommendations to the CT General Assembly on the CT Container Deposit Law - January 19, 2018

        On behalf of the undersigned organizations, we are writing to express our collective concerns related to draft recommendations from the Task Force to Study Methods for reducing Consumer Packaging (hereafter referred to as the “Task Force”), which deal with Connecticut’s Container Deposit Law (AKA the “CT Bottle Bill”).
        Download PDF [PDF, 557KB]

      •   LD 1703  “An Act To Create Equity for Wine and Spirits Container Deposits”
        – OPPOSE - January 2018

        While we agree that the current deposit policy in Maine can be reformed for the better, this proposed legislation is not the answer. Maine, with an impressive redemption rate of 90%, is a leader in recycling - this bill would chip away at that success.
        Download PDF [PDF, 303KB]



      •   CRI Response to Emergency Increase in Processing Payment - October 13th, 2017

        The Container Recycling Institute supports the proposed changes to the Reasonable Financial Return (RFR) described during the Workshop on Processing Payment Emergency Rulemaking. Based on our analyses that I will detail below, we believe this a good solution to the current problem.
        Download PDF [PDF, 236KB]

      • CRI supports H3528: An Act promoting the proper disposal of miniatures  - June 2, 2017

        The Container Recycling Institute supports H3528 (Rep. Hunt, R-Sandwich), which would add miniature bottles of 100 milliliters or less (known as “nips”) to the Commonwealth’s beverage container deposit law, or “bottle bill.” Nips are currently exempt from the 5¢ deposit.
        Download PDF [PDF, 187KB]

      • CRI Supports Most Budget Committee Recommendations for CalRecycle (California) - June 1, 2017

        The Container Recycling Institute (CRI) supports the Assembly budget committee recommendations for CalRecycle’s Beverage Container and Litter Reduction Act program. CRI supports the budget committee proposal for funding for “enhanced oversight, audit and enforcement in the beverage container recycling program.”
        Download PDF [PDF, 158KB]

      • CRI Opposes Connecticut Senate Bill 996 CRI Supports House Bill 5618 - April 10th, 2017 (Updated)

        The Container Recycling Institute (CRI) supports HB 5618, which would increase the beverage container handling fee that is paid to redemption centers and retailers by one cent.  CRI opposes Senate Bill 996, “An Act Establishing a Bottle Recycling Fee In Lieu of a Refundable Deposit.” It would repeal the existing beverage container deposit law (the “bottle bill”), and would impose a 4-cent fee on all carbonated and most non-carbonated beverages, with revenues sent to the state’s General Fund and a new “Recycling Fee Account” to be used for various programs.
        Download PDF [PDF, 525KB]

      • CRI Opposes S.1865 and H.1744  - February 2017

        The Container Recycling Institute (CRI) opposes the Senate bill S.1865 (Sen. Moore), “An Act improving recycling in the Commonwealth,” and the identically-titled House bill H.1744 (Rep. Garry). These bills would repeal the existing beverage container deposit law (the “bottle bill”), and in its place would impose a 1-cent fee on all carbonated and non-carbonated beverages, with collected revenues to be put into a “Municipal Recycling Enhancement Fund” (the Fund) with funding to be used for recycling and litter programs. S.1865 sunsets this fee after three years. 
        Download PDF  [PDF, 1.3MB]
      • Maine - CRI Opposses Maine LD 683

        The Container Recycling Institute opposes LD 683, entitled, “An Act To Fund the Maine Solid Waste Diversion Grant Program and to Phase Out Certain Containers from the Bottle Redemption Laws.”
        Download PDF [PDF, 448KB]
      • Winners and Losers: A Financial Analysis of Iowa's HSB 163

        A repeal of Iowa's Bottle Bill with a new penny fee on carbonated beverages, wine, and spirits.
        Download PDF  [PDF, 148KB]
      • New Excise Tax in HSB 163 Would Only Fund Cleanup of 13% of the New Beverage Container Litter Created by Repealing the Bottle Bill

        Iowa’s 5¢ deposit on beer, soft drinks, wine, and spirits is an effective incentive to refrain from littering bottles and cans or to pick up and redeem containers littered by others.
        Download PDF [PDF, 245KB]



      • Testimony of the Container Recycling Institute on “Smart Container Act” for the Environment and Solid Waste Committee (April 1st, 2016)

        Refundable deposits have been shown to be an efficient and effective way to significantly increase recycling rates of beverage containers. In the 10 states that have refundable deposits, the beverage Figure 1: Deposit States Have Higher container redemption rates average 84%.
        Download PDF [PDF, 635KB]

      •  Testimony supporting Connecticut Senate Bill 384 (March 10th, 2016)

        The Container Recycling Institute (CRI) supports SB384, “An Act Concerning the Application of the Bottle Bill to Wine and Liquor Bottles for Purposes of Funding State Parks.” SB384 would update Connecticut’s existing beverage container deposit law, or “bottle bill,” to include wine, sparkling wine and champagne, and liquor (spirits).
        Download PDF [PDF, 183KB]

      •  Testimony opposing Connecticut Senate Bill 312 (March 9th, 2016)

        The Container Recycling Institute (CRI) opposes SB312, “An Act Requiring The Department Of Energy And Environmental Protection To Study Bottle Bill Beverage Container Refund Values And Redemption Fees.”  SB312 would study the repeal the existing beverage container deposit law (the “bottle bill”), and in its place would impose a 4-cent fee on all carbonated and non-carbonated beverages, with collected revenues to be used to promote recycling and anti-littering programs in the state.
        Download PDF [PDF, 357KB]

      •  Testimony supporting Maryland House Bill 862 “Maryland Redeemable Beverage Container Recycling Refund and Litter Reduction Act” (March 2nd, 2016) (March 2nd, 2016)

        Container deposit programs relieve municipalities of the operational burdens and financial costs of collecting beverage containers. Lost revenue from material that is currently collected in municipal recycling programs is relatively insignificant when compared to the avoided collection and disposal costs, as well as litter cleanup and storm drain cleanout costs.
        Download PDF [PDF, 981KB]

      •  CRI and others Oppose MA House Bill 646 (February 23rd, 2016)

        As experts in environmental protection, public health, conservation, water quality and waste reduction, we are unanimous in our opposition to House Bill 646, entitled the “Universal Recycling Law.” While that title sounds appealing, the bill does three things, all of which we reject.
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      • H2875: “An Act to increase recycling in the Commonwealth:” Support if Amended  
        S1752: “An Act to increase container recycling in the Commonwealth:” Support if Amended (December 2nd, 2015)

        The Container Recycling Institute (CRI) would like to register its support—if amended— of H2875 and S1752, similar bills that would conditionally expand, or update, the beverage container deposit law (or “bottle bill”) to include many non-carbonated beverages. 
        Download PDF [PDF, 365KB]

      • Testimony supporting Massachusetts H2916, “An Act to expand the bottle bill” (November 12th, 2015) 

        The Container Recycling Institute supports H2916, which would would add water bottles to the definition of beverage containers under the Commonwealth’s highly-­‐successful beverage container deposit law (“bottle bill”), and would restore funding to the Clean Environment Fund. We will comment on both issues in this letter.
        Download PDF [PDF, 299KB]

      • Revised testimony regarding CRI’s opposition to H2880 and H646 - (October 31st, 2015)

        The Container Recycling Institute (CRI) opposes H646, “An Act improving recycling in the Commonwealth,” and the identically-titled bill H2880. 
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      • Testimony of the Container Recycling Institute on “Recycler’s Perspective” for the Recycling Policy Study Committee - (October 19th, 2015)

        CRI presents testimony to the Recycling Policy Study Committee concerning refundable deposits to have been shown to be an efficient and effective way to significantly increase recycling rates of beverage containers.
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      • CRI's letter concerning Vermont H. 104 – testimony regarding H. 104 (May 2015)

        The Container Recycling Institutes letter providing further information related to Vermont H. 104. In particular, to answer clarifying questions asked by committee members about the relatively high cost to collect and process PET in recycling programs as well as the documentation of cost savings to municipalities after implementation of beverage container deposit programs.
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      • LD 1204, “An Act To Increase Recycling and Composting by Creating the Maine Recycling Fund ” – OPPOSE; Financial Analysis LD 1204 (April 23rd, 2015)

        The Container Recycling Institute opposes LD 1204, entitled, “An Act To Increase Recycling and Composting by Creating the Maine Recycling Fund.” By reducing the scope of the State’s beverage container deposit law, LD 1204 would be a step backwards for recycling.
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      • CRI's review of Maine DEP’s February 2015 report, “Implementation of Product Stewardship in Maine” (January 20th, 2015)

        Container Recycling Institute (CRI) would like to commend the Department on preparing a thoughtful comprehensive report. Maine’s impressive, and growing, list of EPR programs is a tribute to your ongoing commitment to product stewardship and responsible materials management.
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      • CRI's letter concerning Vermont H. 104 (March 11th, 2015)

        CRI provides information related to Vermont H. 104. In particular, we’d like to correct some misstatements that were made in testimony.
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      • CRI's letter concerning CalRecycle’s Quarterly Report on the Status of the Beverage Container Recycling Fund (July 24th, 2014)

        The Container Recycling Institute has comments and questions for the Department to help clarify understanding of the Fund’s finances.
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      • Comments on Draft to Report to Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) Recycling Refund System Cost Benefit Analysis (January 22, 2014)

        The Container Recycling Institute is pleased to submit our comments on the draft report Recycling Refund System Cost Benefit Analysis, prepared by ReclaySteward Edge (RSE).
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      • Support for MA Bill H.3848/Updating Massachusetts’s Beverage Container Recycling Bill (March 6, 2014)

        The Container Recycling Institute writes to urge support for of Bill H.3848 to update Massachusetts’ Beverage Container Recycling Bill
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      • Maine DEP’s February 2014 report, “Implementation of Product Stewardship in Maine”

        The Container Recycling Institute (CRI) would like to commend the Department on preparing a thoughtful and comprehensive report. Maine’s impressive, and growing, list of EPR programs is a tribute to your ongoing commitment to product stewardship and responsible materials management.
        Download PDF [PDF, 90KB]




      • Vermont S.208 – testimony in opposition to portions of S. 208 (partial repeal of container deposit program)

        CRI expresses our opposition to certain portions of Vermont S. 208, specifically those provisions which would repeal Vermont’s container deposit on liquor containers and all beverage containers greater than one liter in size.
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      • CRI letter to CalRecycle regarding MRF performance standards

        CRI's 8/1/13 letter on the method used for the evaluation of recyclables and residuals at Mixed Waste Processing Facilities (MWPF) seeking certification as well as source-separated facilities.
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      • CRI Comment Letter to Vermont Agency of Natural Resources

        CRI's 8/30/13 letter regarding ANR's Draft Report Systems Analysis of the Impact of Act 148 on Solid Waste Management in Vermont
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      • CRI Letter to State of Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation

        March 2013 | CRI Commends Agency's Report: Comparison of System Costs and Materials Recovery Rates: Implementation of Universal Single Stream Recycling With and Without Beverage Container Deposits
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      • CRI Letter to Hawaii Legislature in Support of of SB 1133/HB 902

        March 2013 | A Letter from CRI President Susan Collins to Hawaii Legislators in support of SB 1133 and HB 902 which would expand the state’s existing beverage container recycling program to include dietary supplements, including energy drinks, such as Monster and Red Bull.
        Download PDF [PDF, 238KB]

      • CRI Letter to Hawaii Legislature in Support of HB 1062/SB 1271

        March 2013 | A Letter from CRI President Susan Collins to Hawaii Legislators in support of HB 1062 and SB 1271 expanding the state's beverage container recycling program.
        Download PDF [PDF, 236KB]

      • A Clean and Green Vermont 2013

        February 2013 | A Special Report on the Environmental and Economic Benefits of Vermont’s Bottle Bill 
        Get Download Link [PDF, 1.4MB]

      • Implementing Product Stewardship in Maine 2013

        January 2013 | CRI's Review of Department’s Report to the Joint Standing Committee on Environment and Natural Resources: Implementing Product Stewardship in Maine.  Download pdf [PDF, 217 KB]




      • Curbside vs Beverage Fact Sheet 2012

        July 2012 | Curbside Recycling Access Rates and Beverage Container Recycling Download pdf [PDF, 246 KB]




    • CRI Letter to US EPA on the Municipal Solid Waste Report

      September 2011 | The US EPA recently invited the public to comment on its annual Municipal Solid Waste report. CRI submitted a number of suggestions, including several regarding the accounting for contamination in calculating recycling rates. Download pdf

    • CRI Comments on “The Costs of Beverage Container Redemption in Vermont”

      April 2011 | A Report by DSM Environmental Services, Inc.for the Vermont Agency of Natural Resources Solid Waste Program
      Download pdf
    • CRI Comments on Natural Logic’s White Paper on EPR for Packaging

      March 2011 | Natural Logic recently produced a white paper for the Coca Cola Company that summarizes an industry policy agenda for the next generation of packaging waste management stressing the principle of extended producer responsibility or “EPR.” CRI examines the paper and analyzes some flaws in its approach. Download pdf
    • Recycling and Climate Change

      CRI submitted this briefing in particular to protect the Iowa deposit law from repeal. It also serves to enhance the level of understanding of beverage container recycling in the United States and the State Iowa, and to demonstrate the impact of recycling on emissions reduction and the economy. Download pdf
    • Why Universal Recycling in Vermont Requires Deposit Return

      February 2011 Written to bolster the argument against repealing the Vermont deposit law, this briefing explains the benefits of deposit laws and the added benefits of deposit laws in conjunction with curbside recycling. Download pdf


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