2013 Bottled Up Report

bottleduptnailAs part of our thought leadership and mission to help improve beverage container recycling in the U.S., CRI periodically performs an analysis of beverage container sales and recycling rates, and publishes the information in the form of an authoritative report for use by decision-makers and recycling advocates. The 2013 edition of this signature report is Bottled Up (2000-2010) - Beverage Container Recycling Stagnates.

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Bottled Up, which includes information sourced from organizations with expertise in recycling and related fields, can be used as a resource for research and analysis regarding beverage container recycling and the environmental impacts of beverage packaging. The report is accurate and comprehensive – full of valuable recycling information you won’t find elsewhere!

Stay tuned for CRI's sequel to Bottled Up:
Tipping Point: Beverage Container Wasting, Plastic Pollution and the Failed Promise of Curbside Recycling


Sponsors of the 2013 Bottled Up report



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Interested in state-specific or U.S. data that serves as the foundation for CRI reports?

The Beverage Market Data Analysis (BMDA) produced by CRI includes the most thorough information available on beverage container sales, recycling and wasting data – providing government, industry and environmental organizations with analytical and predictive tools not available elsewhere.

Reports for specific states and the nation as a whole are available for purchase. The 2022 edition of the BMDA covers the 2019 data year.

Learn more about these packages and purchase information on our BMDA website page

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