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USNominalRecyclingRate2019 U.S. Nominal Recycling Rates by Deposit Status, 2019 2019


Deposit Status Percent
Aluminum cans sold and recycled by deposit status, 2019 2019

Aluminum Cans

Proportion of US Total Percent
PETRecyclingvsrPETGenerationRates1995 2020 PET Recycling vs. rPET Generation Rates (1995 - 2020) 2019


Generation Rates Percent
Wasted Containers 2010 and 2015 TONS Beverage Containers Wasted by Material 2010 - 2015 (tons) 2015


Wasting Tons
Wasted Containers 2010 and 2015 UNITS Beverage Containers Wasted by Material 2010 - 2015 (units) 2015


Wasting Units
Energy per container BTUs Energy required to manufacture beverage containers 2015


Wasting BTU's
Dep n Non dep RRs 4 mats U.S. Recycling Rates by Deposit Status, 2015 2015 Aluminum
Recycling, Deposit Laws Percent
CRI-Financial-Analysis-Maine-LD-1204 50515-62-oz Financial Analysis Maine LD 1204 for 62/64 Ounce Containers  2015 All bev. containers Money gained/lost USD ($)
Beverage Containers in Municipal Waste Stream 2012 Beverage Containers in the Waste Stream 2012 All bev. containers Solid Waste Generation Percent
CRI-Financial-Analysis-Maine-LD-1204 50515-62-oz Estimated US Bottles and Cans Wasted in 2010 2010 All bev. containers Millions Units
figure1s Deposit States have Higher Beverage Recycling Rates
2010 All bev. containers Recycling Percent
figure2s US Growth in Package Beverage Sales
2000-2010 All bev. containers Sales, Recycling, Wasting Billions of Containers Sold
figure3s Per Capita Beverage Sales, Recycling and Wasting
1970-2010 All bev. containers Sales, Recycling, Wasting Containers per person per year
figure4s US Plastic Bottled Water Sales
1996-2010 Plastic Sales Billions of Units
figure5s Sales and Market Share by Container Type
2010 All bev. containers Sales Percent
figure6s Container Sales by Material, 2000 & 2010
2000 & 2010 All bev. containers Sales Percent
figure7s Sales and Market Share by Beverage Type
2010 All bev. containers Sales Percent
figure8s Comparing Curbside Recycling Access and Beverage Container Recycling Rates
1990-2010 All bev. containers Recycling Recycling Rate/ US Population
figure9s US Beverage Sales, Recycling and Wasting
1990-2010 All bev. containers Recycling/ Wasting Units Sold
figure10s Beverage Containers Wasted, 2000 & 2010
2000 & 2010 All bev. containers Wasting Percent
figure11s Per Capita Containers Recycled in Deposit and Non-Deposit States - All Container Types
2010 All bev. containers Recycling Percent
figure12_news Recycling Rates for Aluminum, Plastic and Glass
1990-2010 Aluminum, Plastc, Glass Recycling Percent
figure13s Energy Required to Replace Beverage Containers (in U.S. household equivalents)
2010 All bev. containers Wasting Percent
figure14s Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Replacing Wasted Containers 2010 All bev. containers Wasting Percent
figure15s Comparative Energy Requirements for Replacing Wasted Beverage Containers 2010 All bev. containers Wasting Percent
figure16s Energy Required to Replace Beverage Containers 2010 All bev. containers Wasting Percent
Container Types Used For Beer in the U.S., 1981-2010 1981-2010 All bev. containers Wasting Percent
  Beverage Containers and Municipal Solid Waste 2011 All bev. containers Wasting Percent
Comparing Curbside Recycling Access and Paper and Paperboard Recycling Rates


Paper/ Paperboard


PET Recycling vs. Utilization Rates 1995-2011 PET Recycling Percent
PET Sales, Wasting, and Recycling 1991-2009 PET Wasting, Sales, Recycling Tons, Percent
Estimated yield rates from collected plastic 2009 Plastic Reycling, Wasting, Curbside, Deposit Laws Percent
End-markets for collected glass 2009 Glass Recycling, Wasting, Curbside, Deposit Laws Percent
Recovered PET beverage bottles by state 2007 PET Recycling Percent
Recycling rates in bottle bill states and non-bottle bill states 2006 All bev. containers Recycling, Deposit Laws Units
Market share by beverage and package 2006 Aluminum
Sales, Beer, Soda, Water, Wine, Fruit Drinks, Energy Drinks Percent
Recycling Rates by Material and Class 2006 Aluminum
Recycling, Deposit Laws Percent
Energy required to manufacture beverage containers 2006 Aluminum
Energy Energy per container
Sales by container type 2000, 2006 Aluminum
Sales Units
Growth in Packaged Beverage Sales 2000-2006 All bev. containers Sales Units
US Plastic bottled water sales 1996-2006 Plastic Sales Units
Plastic Bottle Sales and Wasting in the U.S. 1991-2006 Plastic Sales, Waste Weight
HDPE bottle sales and wasting in the US 1991-2006 HDPE Sales, Waste Weight
PET bottle sales and wasting in the US 1991-2006 PET Sales, Waste Weight
Aluminum, plastic, and glass recycling rates 1986-2006 Aluminum
Recycling Percent
Beverage containers wasted: 1986 and 2006 1986, 2006 Aluminum
Waste Weight
Beverage sales, recycling, and wasting 1986-2006 All bev. containers Recycling, Sales, Waste Units
Per capita beverage sales, recycling, and wasting 1970-2006 All bev. containers Recycling, Sales, Wasting Units per capita
US bottles and cans wasted in 2005 2005 Aluminum
Waste Units
Aluminum can sales and recycling in the US 1996-2005 Aluminum Recycling, Sales Units
Aluminum can sales and recycling in the US 1996-2005 Aluminum Recycling, Sales Weight
Per capita aluminum beverage can recycling and wasting 1996-2005 Aluminum Recycling, Waste Units per capita
Non-alcoholic beverage sales, with projections to 2010 1997-2005 All bev. containers Sales, Carbonated, Non-carbonated Units
PET beverage sales and recycling in the US 1996-2005 PET Recycling, Sales Units
HDPE beverage sales and recycling in the US 1996-2005 HDPE Recycling, Sales Units
PET beverage sales and wasting in the US 1996-2005 PET Sales, Waste Weight
Per capita PET beverage bottle wasting and recycling 1990-2005 PET Recycling, Waste Units per capita
Wasted aluminum cans and PET bottles 1990-2005 Aluminum
Waste Weight
Aluminum beverage cans wasted in the United States 1972-2005 Aluminum Waste Units
Estimated US per capita consumption of beverage containers 1970-2005 All bev. containers Sales Units per capita
PET bottle recycling by weight 2004 PET Recycling, Carbonated, Non-Carbonated Percent
Recycling Rates for PET Plastic and Aluminum in Sweden and the U.S. 2004 Aluminum
Deposit Laws, Recycling, Sweden Percent
Recycling rates in Sweden and the US 1994-2004 Plastic Recycling, Sweden Percent
PET bottle recycling and wasting: soft drink bottles vs. custom bottles 1994-2004 PET Recycling, Sales, Waste Weight
PET sales, recycling, and wasting: soft drink bottles 1994-2004 PET Recycling, Sales, Waste Weight
PET sales, recycling, and wasting: custom bottles 1994-2004 PET Recycling, Sales, Waste Weight
PET sales, recycling, and wasting 1994-2004 PET Recycling, Sales, Waste Weight
Beverage container redemption rates in selected deposit states 1990-2004 All bev. containers Deposit Laws, Recycling, Redemption Percent
Recycling rate for aluminum cans in Sweden and the US 1984-2004 Aluminum Recycling, Sweden Percent
Number of aluminum cans recycled and wasted in the US 1972-2004 Aluminum Recycling, Waste Units
Plastic soda bottles wasted 1994-2001 Plastic Waste, Carbonated Units
Aluminum can recycling and access to curbside recycling 1990-1999 Aluminum Curbside, Recycling Percent
Percentage of population served by curbside vs. percentage of glass recycled 1990-1999 Glass Recycling, Curbside Percent


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