
CRI hosts webinars throughout the year on topics of interest and importance to the recycling community.

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We all know that recycling is good for the environment, but is it also good for the economy?  The Container Recycling Institute has recently released a report quantifying the net benefits of job creation from increased beverage container recycling.

The report is the first of its kind to combine data related to collection method, throughput quantity, process dynamics and material type and quality to provide a clear picture of the job impacts at each and every stage of extraction, recovery and disposal.

On May 11, we will host a free webinar designed to provide you with an overview of the report, including a walk through of the study methodology and important findings, and to familiarize you with the MIRJcalc jobs calculator introduced in the report, a tool that can be used to estimate net job creation from recycling, state by state.  This tool is unique in that it calculates net job gains by also factoring in domestic job losses that will inevitably occur when recyclables replace virgin materials in the beverage container manufacturing process.  

The webinar will be led by the report’s two co-authors, Clarissa Morawski of CM Consulting and Jeffrey Morris, Ph.D. of Sound Resource Management Group.  The information presented in the webinar will assist recycling managers, policy makers, investors and others make informed recycling decisions that also lead to increased employment.

While job recovery currently appears to be improving, we all know that costs for both virgin raw materials and energy will continue to rise while landfill space decreases.  The economic boost provided by recycling jobs along with the environmental benefit of increased waste diversion over disposal is a win-win for communities and the recycling industry.

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