Percentage of population served by curbside vs Percentage of glass recycled

Percentage of Population Served by Curbside vs Percentage of Glass Recycled

This graph shows that although curbside programs have increased, the amount of glass actually recycled has grown little and remained nearly constant in the last few years.

Source: The State of Garbage in America, Biocycle
  Non-Refillable Glass
Recycling Rate
U.S. Population
with Access to
Curbside Recycling
1990 22 % 15 %
1991 23 % 26 %
1992 28 % 30 %
1993 29 % 39 %
1994 32 % 42 %
1995 33 % 46 %
1996 31 % 51 %
1997 32 % 51 %
1998 31 % 54 %
1999   61 %


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