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Can and Bottle Litter Position Paper cover Evaluating End-of-Life Beverage Container Management Systems for California

This study, which was undertaken to help the government of California improve its beverage container deposit program, compares several recycling systems within California and around the world, including selected deposit-refund programs. Recommendations to improve California's recycling system indicate best practices that can be applied to many recycling systems.

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CRI Comments on Natural Logic’s White Paper on EPR for Packaging

Natural Logic recently produced a white paper for the Coca Cola Company that summarizes an industry policy agenda for the next generation of packaging waste management stressing the principle of extended producer responsibility or “EPR.” CRI examines the paper and analyzes some flaws in its approach.

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Summary of EU Waste Legislation on Packaging and Packaging Waste
The European Union is seeking to harmonise national measures concerning the management of packaging and packaging waste to provide a high level of environmental protection and ensure the functioning of the internal market.  Learn More

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